
I’m getting closer to my dirtbag dream - I quitted my job!

It was not a hard decision. I just didn’t like working there. I never felt clicked to anything anyone. I’ve been debating just quitting and doing something I like such as photography, hiking and climbing. Climbing gives me a sense of progression, satisfaction and a venue to understand myself. It also allows me to expand my friendship circle. I honestly have so many climbing friends that I wouldn’t imagine before.


I’ve been mostly sport climbing and didn’t do much bouldering. I was really scared of outdoor bouldering last year because of top-out and down-climbing. But I can’t avoid it forever and I also need get stronger! Recruited my friends and we headed down to Joe’s Valley on a weekend.


Saturday was a beautiful day. There were lots of people as we expected. Also met people from the same climbing gym, The Front Climbing Club. I actually had been climbing for 3 days so I took my camera, snacks and sketchbook as a backup plan.

Jamie on a V3.

Jamie on a V3.

Jamie: “I don’t know what I’m doing”
Andrew: “Climbing… bouldering.”
Me: “People quit their jobs doing this.”
Dan: “There are two examples here (himself and me.)”

Black Sea V8

Black Sea V8

Black Sea V8

Black Sea V8

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Sunday when we woke up it was like 20 degree. Wind was blowing and surprisingly it was snowing! I didn’t wear my socks at night so it was kinda miserable. I wrapped myself with sleeping bag just sitting there didn’t have the courage to go out of the tent.
I’m going back home I think.
It’s too cold. TOO COLD!


We tried to cook breakfast in the tent. My friend Andrew’s stove somehow was not connecting to propane properly and propane diffused. It reached to the fire of my JetBoil and suddenly it was all on fire for a second! No one got hurt but my hair was burnt. We did have tent door open but still not a good idea cooking inside. It was really scary.
After breakfast, we made fire trying to get a bit warmer. That day highest was 40 degree FML.
I really want to go home.
Until 10 o’clock the sun finally came out. The wind gradually calmed down. It was still cold but bearable.


For Emily it was perfect sending temp!

Steal my beaf jerky.

Steal my beaf jerky.


In this trip I didn’t do much only V0, V2, V3 and struggled on V4. (V5 is above the level of struggle.)


The whole day I was just thinking “this is so cold.” Sometimes it was snowing; sometimes it was sunny. Everyone was wearing puffy and only took it off when they bouldered. Put it on right after they fell.

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Anyway, it was a good time. I honestly just enjoyed hanging out with friends.
